Who’s On First?

They grow up too fast. I found out that my 13 year old daughter liked a boy at school. The following week we had this discussion: “How was school?” “Good.” <Pause> “I don’t like ‘someone’ anymore. I told my friend to tell him I don’t like him any more.” “Why don’t you tell him?” “That’sContinue reading “Who’s On First?”

the church speaks

The lights flicker as Ben Newman glides his broom across my tired floors. His touch is smooth and gentle. I can easily tell the character of a man by the way he treats me. Many men have quickly run over my floors and dabbed at my windows with the forethought of ‘doing’ as quickly asContinue reading “the church speaks”

Charlie, Lucy, and the Zen of Duo-Tasking

Good Grief! It’s that ol’ I’ll-hold-the-ball-for-you trick again. You would think that Charlie Brown would learn and listen to his own conscience and not fall for Lucy’s trick over and over. But, alas, he is Charlie Brown. He never changes. Change is not always easy. Sometimes we embrace change. We are adaptable people…when we wantContinue reading “Charlie, Lucy, and the Zen of Duo-Tasking”

“Heaven! Please hold…”

My friend’s daughter, Julie Johnson, was teaching her first grade Sunday school class on bringing all your concerns to God in prayer. She told the class that they could pray if they were sad, or sick, or lost.  To which one little boy replied, “Miss Johnson, I don’t have to pray if I’m lost. IContinue reading ““Heaven! Please hold…””

If i only had a soft warm puppy

My then, six year old son Aaron came bouncing into the house after school. His mother asked him how school was. He replied that it was good. “I bet your one of the smartest kids in your class aren’t you?” she said, trying to boost confidence. Aaron pondered the question for a moment and replied,Continue reading “If i only had a soft warm puppy”